Excuse me sir may I shake your hand Would you like to know our plan I don't want to work hear any more This job is a stress and a bore
I am used and abused I am just a working hero I am used and abused I am just a working hero
I am used and abused I am just a working hero
I'd go for a burger at Mcshite even tough it'd taste alright all our bosses think that there so funny just because they wipe there arses with their own money
I am used and abused I am just a working hero I am used and abused I am just a working hero
I am used and abused I am just a working hero
Excuse me sir but were out of stock would you kindly fuck off to another shop give me your little hands break your (4ft) Fingers 'cas you don't understand
I am used and abused I am just a working hero I am used and abused I am just a working hero
I am used and abused I am just a working hero
I am used and abused I am just a working hero I am used and abused I am just a working hero