How many days are your afraid Of turning off? You'd be amazed how easy It's been to sleepwalk. I'm in a state where ican't tell what's right from wrong I'm making a face That i've been holding for far too long.
I'm on the cross There's nothing to hide when all is lost. I'm on thecross A thruth or a lie, which could be worse?
How many days until I can see that i'm just find? I try and i try but i jsut need al ittle time I havn't slept in one month Things just don't seem okay And every time the sun's up It's a new yesterday
Drill the pressure right out of my head. Maybe i'm scared. Maybe i am Weak and paranoid When i speak white noise Pours out from my voice. Every time i move my lips, it tears Your little ears to bits I'm frozen all the time, a deer in headlights I'll get to the point You can't depend on love or truth To get your through
Do you want me to explain? Are you broken at the bone? Do you try and rearrange A better life, A bigger home? So turn off the lgihts Or at least unplug the phone I'm a threat when i'm left alone How many days Are you afraid of turning off? Do you feel like letting go?