Audio Adrenaline

Good People

Audio Adrenaline

I grew up impressed by the people I knew
in the buckle of the bible belt
hopped in the van with the band
now I've been just about everywhere else
Met a soldier from Seattle and a lawyer from the East
a texas oil baron and a Roman Catholic priest

Every day I choose
to walk in their shoes
'cause pretty are the feet of those
who bring the good news

Good people
good, good people
everywhere, everywhere it's God's people

Been on the road been far from home
but I found me a friend or two
time has taught me well and I can tell you
the good things people do
they really care and I've been there
seen it with my eyes
you can tell that they're God's people
by the goodness in their lives

Compositores: Mark Alan Stuart, Barry Blair, Bob Herdman, Will Mcginniss
ECAD: Obra #5672548

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