Ben Folds


Ben Folds

There's a sign up in the yard
And the the furniture has gone
Filled with fetid memories
Unworthy of a song

Flashes of sad and angry faces come and go
Could anyone live between those walls and never know?

And I could go there
But I'm not going
Pulse is slowing
No, I'm not nervous anymore

I've had the nightmares
I've seen some counselors
But I'm not going
Back up in that house again

It's just like waking up
In that second and a half
The bliss of not remembering
Before it all comes flooding back

So what do I do as all these voices come and go?
Could anyone live inside my head and never know?
And I could go there
I'm not going
Pulse is slowing
No, I'm not nervous anymore

I've seen the nightmares
And some counselors
I'm not going
Back up in that house again

In that house again

I'm not sorry
For what I'm feeling
Blow the walls out
Bring the ceiling to the ground

I've had the nightmares
Seen the counselors
I'm not going
Back up in that house again

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