Billy Dean
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By My Song

Billy Dean

(Billy Dean/Richard Leigh)

By my song, you will know the heart that's in me
By my song, you'll know that I am here
Just words and notes together, but
Long after I'm gone
You will know I loved you
By my song
By my song, you will always be remembered
Yes, you'll live on, just as you are right now
Your eves won't lose their sparkle,
To the ages they'll belong
The world will know I loved you
By my song
In these simple rhymes of mine
You will stay till the end of time
And in this tune where love abounds
Someday you'll come back around
By my song, long as love is not forgotten
On and on, we'll sail beyond the years
Just words and notes together
To the ages they'll belong
The world will know I love you
By my song
You will know I loved you
By my song

Compositores: Richard C Christopher Leigh, William Harold Dean (Billy H Dean)
ECAD: Obra #1853507

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