Página inicial > B > Bodyjar > Don't Trust Anyone

Don't Trust Anyone


How can you stand there and tell me that
You've never lied behind my back
Don't think that your lame excuses make
The sound of emptiness go away

Don't tell me
I'm not listening
I close my mind to everyone outside
It's my world and
I don't have to let you in
This is where
I'll be starting again

Now I made a mistake
I've had all I can take for granted
And I don't trust anyone
I've done all I can do
I won't trust anyone
Cuz I don't trust anyone
Trust anyone.

If I ever see you with your friends
I'll just pretend I don't know you
It's easier to remember times
When we used simple words to explain

Don't tell me
I'm not listening
I close my mind to everyone outside
It's wasted, because of something that I said
Angry words (that I'll only regret)

There hasn't been a thing (day)
I won't remember

Compositores: Richard Andrew Rose, Cameron George Baines, Ross William Hetherington, Tom Joseph Read, Grant Anthony R Relf
ECAD: Obra #6097261

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