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Glossy Books


Time To Grow Up

There's nothing that I could say
To make her change the way she thinks
Page one is all she wants to be

It wasn't a phase to her
It wasn't a part of growing up
Don't compare yourself
To some 13 year old who needs help

The girl inside
You tried to hide
Is all you needed to be
It's only looks
You can't compare yourself
To all those glossy books

I know you know what's right
You need to see
The reason why you can't pretend

You'll never be satisfied
You'll never be quite the way you want
Don't try to hide it

Of course you're so pretty now
As you did everything they said to do
You can be happy now
You're beautiful and beautifully dead

And time unfolds the reason
They don't come
And life reveals the season
They don't come
Time unfolds the reason

The girl inside
You tried to hide
Is all you needed to be
It's only looks
You can't compare yourself
To all those glossy books

Time heals sometimes
Time heals sometimes
Then you know what's right

Compositores: Cameron George Baines, Grant Anthony R Relf
ECAD: Obra #6069368

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