Bruce Springsteen
Página inicial > Classic Rock > B > Bruce Springsteen > Hunter of Invisible Game

Hunter of Invisible Game

Bruce Springsteen

High Hopes

I hauled myself up out of a ditch
I built me an ark out of gopher wood and pitch
Sat down by the roadside and waited on the rain

Honey, I'm the hunter of invisible game

Well I woke last night to the heavy clicking and clack
And a scarecrow on fire along the railroad tracks
There were empty cities and burning plains

Honey, I'm the hunter of invisible game

We all come up a little short and we go down hard
These days I spend my time skipping through the dark
Through the empires of dust I chant your name

Honey, I'm the hunter of invisible game

Through the bone yard we rattled and black smoke we rolled on
Down into the valley where the beast has his throne
I sing my song and I sharpen my blade

Honey, I'm the hunter of invisible game

Strength is vanity and time is illusion
I feel you breathing, the rest is confusion
Your skin touches mine, what else to explain

Honey, I'm the hunter of invisible game

Now pray for yourself and that you may not fall
When the hour of deliverance comes on us all
When high hope and faith and courage and trust
Can rise or vanish like dust and dust
Now there's a kingdom of love waiting to be reclaimed

Honey, I'm the hunter of the invisible game
Honey, I'm the hunter of the invisible game
Honey, I'm the hunter of the invisible game

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