Bruce Springsteen
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The Time That Never Was

Bruce Springsteen

The Ties That Bind - The River Collection

Oh whoa whoa
Oh whoa
Oh whoa

Sometimes I wake up in the morning and it cuts me like a knife
I come face-to-face with my longing for another world, another life
And a time that never was
Oh a time that never was

We drove on, fueled not by the future but by a past we could never touch
Forced to run head-on collisions till we vanished in the dust
Of a time that never was
Whoa whoa whoa, the time that never was
Whoa whoa whoa whoa

So kiss me once more baby, one more kiss baby you must
Don't ever let me forget, girl, a time that never was
A time that never was
Oh whoa whoa, the time that never was
Oh whoa whoa, the time that never was
Oh whoa whoa, that never was
Oh whoa whoa whoa
Oh whoa whoa
Oh whoa whoa whoa

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