Bruce Springsteen
Página inicial > Classic Rock > B > Bruce Springsteen > When I Leave Berlin

When I Leave Berlin

Bruce Springsteen

When morning comes
And I leave Berlin
My mind is turning,
My heart is yearning for you in Berlin

In Amsterdam, I'll see my lady
I hope she'll love me,
Cause I'm gonna need her
When I leave Berlin

Here today, but the war is open
Call out the soldiers and the guards
Here today, the gates are open
Mothers in the arms of their sons

When morning comes
And I leave Berlin
I know for certain that I'm a free man
When I leave Berlin

In Amsterdam, I'll see my lady
I hope she'll love me,
Cause I'm gonna need her
When I leave Berlin

Here today, a war is open
Call out the soldiers and the guards
Here today, the gates are open
Mothers in the arms of their sons

When morning comes
And I leave Berlin
My mind is turning,
My heart is yearning for you, Berlin

In Amsterdam, I'll see my lady
I hope she'll love me,
Cause I'm gonna need her
When I leave Berlin

When morning comes
And I leave Berlin
I know for certain that I'm a free man
When I leave Berlin

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