Bryan Ferry
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In Your Mind

Bryan Ferry

In Your Mind

Hark the frozen chimes of winter
Crystal shimmer in your mind
To the first time when you saw her
You implored her to be kind

In the open fields around you
All before you gone to ground
Both the question and the answer
Deep inside you - you shall find

And while you're strollin'
Through the summer of your years
Enchanted, a garden overgrown
Don't call me sentimental
Those of you who care
Could find there a lover and a the end

And if you're taken
By the sprit of your age
No reason to carve a cornerstone
Sway me, trade me
Your philosophy-
First you're sowin'
Then you're growi''
Then you reap......until you sleep

Will you scale the silver studded mountain
Where contemplation'll spring to mind
See the veiled prophet's withered gaze
Reflect the "nouvelle-vague"
Glazed visions imprisoned in your mind

Unwinding rivers flowing
through the meadows to the sea -
paths of glory through shifting glades to fall

Present laughter and the memory
Of troubles you have seen
It is written in your mind

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