Bryan Ferry

One Kiss

Bryan Ferry

In Your Mind

Now is the moment
Here is the place
And soon's the time to go
Seeing's believin'
Or so he thought once
Now he's not so sure

One kiss - one for the road - what is more?
One kiss -
roughly expressing all that lips are for
Where do they come from?
Doesn't she speak?
Where can they co from here?
Forever or never
Or once in a while
Their situation's clear

One kiss - never too late to miss
One too many a broken-up affair - like this
Spinning together
Drifting away
The song of love is strange
A never ending
"See you soon"
Too late - the music changed

One kiss - what kind of end is this?
One more touching impression - one lost love - one kiss
Just as he's trying
To open the door
He fumbles with the key
Clumsily playing for time
Without words
Some things you can only feel
One kiss - lost in shade
One tear - ever so slowly falling left to fade

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