Bryan Ferry
Página inicial > Art Rock > B > Bryan Ferry > The Right Stuff

The Right Stuff

Bryan Ferry

Got your money on the table
And the devil in your eye
Who is that woman with the crooked smile?
You got to go with what you feel
A little loving is a dangerous thing
Black is the ocean - a burning sky
Her nature's wild - hard to beat the right stuff
It's mountain high - river deep the right stuff
Got your pearls on a string
And your skin's so bare
Over your shoulder there´s a world out there
You got the nerve - you gonna win
Boy you're playing with a dangerous thing
So it goes without saying
She's the queen of the Nile
Lion woman with the crooked smile
You got the nerve - who´s gonna win?
Boy you're playing with a dangerous thing
Send me the woman on a bended knee
Emerald eyes in desert heat
She's mountain high - river deep the right stuff
Send me the woman to fight for me nature's wild - hard to beat
She's mountain high - river deep the right stuff

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