Charly Bliss
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I'm Not Dead

Charly Bliss


You can protect yourself from things you would like
If you're obsessed with only doing what's right
Nobody's waiting at the end with a prize
For staying in at night
All the pots I stirred, things I knew for sure
I was wrong but it sounded right
At the time at least, now when I can't sleep
It's cause I blame me
But I'm not I'm not dead

Even if I was
I'd wish that I fucked up least twice as much
And had like double the fun

But I'm not dead
I'm not, I'm not dead
I'm looking down from starlight, glass-eyed
I still got some time left
I'm not dead

My boyfriend's dad is over 75
His life's more fun and more fulfilling than minе
If I'm a rockstar I'm not doing it right
Tapped out at 29
All the pots I stirred, things I knеw for sure
I was right but I came out wrong
Every "I'll change" spiel
Led to nothing real
And I still blame me
But I'm not, I'm not dead

I'm not, I'm not done
All this time I wasted
Couldn't hate my self enough
I'm not, I'm not dead
Even if I was
I'd wish that I fucked up least twice as much
And had like double the fun

But I'm not dead
I'm not, I'm not dead
I'm looking down from starlight, glass-eyed
I still got some time left
I'm not dead
I'm not, I'm not dead
I'm not, I'm not dead
All this time I wasted
Couldn't hate my self enough
I'm not, I'm not dead
Even if I was
I'd wish that I fucked up least twice as much
And had like double the fun
But I'm not dead

Compositores: Eva Hendricks, K.Flay, Spencer Fox, Sam Hendricks & Dan Shure

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