Chase Rice

Room 205

Chase Rice

Dirt Road Communion

I'm just four walls with a little paint, a picture here or there
I got a Bible in my dresser, just in case somebody cares
I've been here forever, 1959
My name is on the front door, they call me 205
And man you can't imagine, the things that happen here
I've seen my share of laughing
and I've seen a lot of tears
Drug deals and last meals and love that seemed so real
Until I saw the flash of those hundred dollar bills
But let me tell you something crazy
that I'd never seen before
Starts with Johnny and Katie
first time they walked through my door

It was a Friday night, late fall
After a high school football game
They snuck away, in a beat up Chevrolet
Yeah they made love for the first time
Till that Carolina sun came up
That's where it all began
At the Conway Motor Inn

Well they lit a cigarette, and talked about their lives
Said they were getting married, after graduation night
It all seemed so perfect, but they didn't have a clue
That one be one of them would be right back here
with someone new
Now fast forward four years, and that white picket fence
It ain't holding out what it should be keeping in
See, I see Katie on the weekends
when Johnny's working nights
And the man she's coming here with
ain't the man I recognize

It was a Friday night, late fall
After a high school football game
They snuck away, in her lover's Escalade
Yeah they made love for the first time
Till Johnny's graveyard shift was up
Both livin' in sin
At the Conway Motor Inn

Tonight Johnny ain't working
cause he's right here with me
With a pistol in his right hand, just waitin' on the key
To turn in my door, and when they both walk in
He lays that hammer down
and that's where this story ends

It was a Friday night, late fall
After a high school football game
They snuck away, in a beat up Chevrolet
Yeah they made love for the first time
Till that Carolina sun came up
That's where it all began
And that's where it all ends
At the Conway Motor Inn
At the Conway Motor Inn

I've been here forever, 1959
My name is on the front door, they call me 205

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