Christopher Owens
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This Is My Guitar

Christopher Owens

This is my guitar, I play it with my hands
It's part of me, just like the song I sing
This is my life, I live it best I can
It's part of you, and part of everything
I know it's hard, not to feel like you've been broken
When so much love is missing from the start
And I know it's hard, not to feel like you're alone in
A world that's lost and spinning in the dark

Oh, help me

This is my voice, I sing the best I can
The music in my head is from my heart
This is my chance, the only chance I've got
To shine a little light into the dark
And I know it's hard, not to feel like you've been broken
When nothing seems to work the way it should
I know it's hard, but I know that I'll keep holdin'
'Cause all I've ever seen in you is good

Oh hеlp me
Help me plеase
Oh help me
Help me please

I know it's hard, not to feel like you've been broken
When so much love is missing from the start
And I know it's hard, not to feel like you're alone in
A world that's lost and spinning in the dark

Oh help me
Help me please
Help me please
Help me please
Oh help me
Help me please
Oh help me
Help me please
Oh yeah

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