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Bird Songs


I hear songs of pretty birds
Here in my heart
Although they never sleep
As it can be, they fill my heart with love

And it is true I've never thought
I'd change my life again
It's simple, you can guess
Because of all I love you
Keep your feelings
Where they hear

True love
Waiting to love
Waiting to love
And no words could explain

I'll be here
I'll keep on waiting
And I'm not afraid
I'll be waiting to love

Here in my heart
So I'll never feel the pain

I hear songs of pretty birds
Here in my heart
Although they never sleep
As it can be, they fill my heart with love

And it is true
I've never thought I'd change my life again
It's simple, you can guess
Because of all I need you
Keep your feelings
Where they hear

True love
Waiting to love
Waiting to love
And no words could explain

I'll wait
I'll keep on waiting
And I'm not afraid
I'll be waiting to love

Here in my heart
So I'll never feel the pain

Compositor: Mr. Charlie/ Ackman

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