Página inicial > C > Chrystian > You're So Tender

You're So Tender


There are things I want to let you know
That for me there is no one else
No one like you, my love
You're my happiness
The reason that I live and you

You're so tender
I promise that I will always stay with you, love
Spending all my days with you
I need you and everything I will do to the end

Come with me, love
Take my heart is just for you
it's real love
I can prove my love is true
believe, love
I want to the ending of my life

You and I will be together
You and I stay forever
Nothing can destroy our romance
Everybody knows

You're so tender
I promise that I will always stay with you, love
Spending all my days with you
I need you and everything I will do to the end

Come with me, love
Take my heart is just for you
it's real love
I can prove my love is true
believe, love
I want to the ending of my life

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