Cloudy June
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Love The Way It Hurts

Cloudy June

Oh, your demons match my ghosts
I'm sad as fuck, you know
You can always make it worse

Baby, I need you
I need your claws on my neck
I need your bitter red wine lips and dirty regrets
I need your hunger
Feels like you're tying me up
I'm begging you for your love
Begging you for your love

But how can I make me not want you now?
Can I make me not go to your house?
That night I wish that I didn't stay
But it's too late

Oh, your demons match my ghosts
I'm sad as fuck, you know
You can always make it worse
But I love the way it hurts
And maybe that's my curse
Come and drag me through the dirt
You can always make it worse
But I love the way it hurts

It hurts
It hurts
But I love the way it hurts
It hurts
Oh, it hurts

Baby, I crave you
I crave your taste in the night
I crave the way you always know
How to treat me unkind
And when I kiss you
Feels like a panic attack
And it's rushing from my feet
To the back of my head

But how can I make me not want you now?
Can I make me not go to your house?
That night I wish that I didn't stay
But it's too late

Oh, your demons match my ghosts
I'm sad as fuck, you know
You can always make it worse
But I love the way it hurts
And maybe that's my curse
Come and drag me through the dirt
You can always make it worse
But I love the way it hurts

It hurts
It hurts
But I love the way it hurts
It hurts
Oh, it hurts

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