Cloudy June
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Throw Up When I See Your Face

Cloudy June

I'm such a good girl
Yeah, I'd been working, always tryna get better
My therapist said I'm kinda perfect
Never had any bad blood

I have a heart of gold
And never a chip on my shoulder
I don't ever lose control
But wait

I throw up when I see your face
Play nice but I know you're fake
Big win for me when you fail
Cause you're a goddamn disgrace
I throw up when I see your
When you come across my path
I remember that I hate you fucking every way
Cause you're a goddamn disgrace
I throw up when I see your

Oops, lost my cool, now deep breath and sit down
Pull my shit back together
All can confirm that I'm a good person
Trust me, I mind my manners

I have a heart of gold
And never a chip on my shoulder
Has all my blood run cold?
Or you just fucking suck, 'cause

I throw up when I see your face
Play nice but I know you're fake
Big win for me when you fail
Cause you're a goddamn disgrace
I throw up when I see your
When you come across my path
I remember that I hate you fucking every way
Cause you're a goddamn disgrace
I throw up when I see your face

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