Página inicial > C > Curve > Nowhere



Fire Fire burning bright in the darkness of the night
It casts its glow on everyone cause it whistles clear loud and true
For the blackness is no fool when daybreak is its only sun

While the angel sleeps, the rest are nowhere to be found
While the wicked speak, the devil's nowhere nowhere nowhere

Tinkle tinkle go to the bell
Fire burnt and London fell
An end must come to all this fun
You'll see me rising up and above the fog
I see my house, my love, my dog
There growing for the world to see
They're growing there for you and me

The harder you run the less you achieve
The more that you give the less you receive
While the angel sleeps the rest are nowhere to be found
While the wicked speak, the devil's nowhere nowhere nowhere

Fire fire burning bright in the darkness of the night.

Compositores: Dean Garcia (Curve), Antoinette Halliday (Pearl Diana)
ECAD: Obra #16962198

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