Dark Tranquillity
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Neuronal Fire

Dark Tranquillity

Endtime Signals

What we fear that we will never see
Beyond the night sky
Would come to expose our own black heart
Our senses grasp what we don't know
Yet our hold is never enough
What our thoughts begin to surface
What our dreams have given us to dare

Challenge this, our blind denial
For our minds are never enough
Challenge this, our blind denial

Our eternal curse
Of neuronal fire
Another shadow broken
Another rеstless dream
Our etеrnal curse
Of neuronal fire
Set the paradoxical night ablaze

Now and forever cursed
To where we hope for revelation
To still our aching lives
Standing on the precipice
We get flashes of what will be our own demise
Challenge this, our blind denial
For our minds are never enough
Challenge this, our blind denial

Our eternal curse
Of neuronal fire
Another shadow broken
Another restless dream
Our eternal curse
Of neuronal fire
Set the paradoxical night ablaze
With neuronal fire

In a shadow broken by
The light's reflection
We held out hope for far too long
Here we are, in line to the next
Set of gathered aspirations
In a darkness interrupted
By neuronal fire

Our eternal curse
Of neuronal fire
Another shadow broken
Another restless dream
Our eternal curse
Of neuronal fire
Set the paradoxical night ablaze
I don't want to feel
I don't want to know
Another shadow broken
Another restless dream
Our eternal curse
Of neuronal fire
Set the paradoxical night ablaze
Now and forever cursed

Compositores: Johan Reinholdz, Martin Brändström & Mikael Stanne

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