Dark Tranquillity
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There is Nothing

Dark Tranquillity


The night goes into hiding
Behind the chaos and the noise
The lonely seek a madness
For fear of the untold

From the shadows in the distance
It steps into the light
A shape that's so familiar
Yet eludes the eye

There is nothing
Nothing that faith can do
There is nothing
There's nothing faith can do for me

There's nothing faith can do for me
There's nothing faith can do for me

It speaks of possibilities
And promises fulfilled
Deep into adherencе
To a detached reality
Follow mе to the ground
And the beating hearts of those who know
Let this true belonging
Take hold of the senses

There is nothing
Nothing that faith can do
There is nothing
There's nothing faith can do for me

There's nothing faith can do for me
There's nothing faith can do for me

There's nothing faith can do
There's nothing faith can do for me
There is nothing
There is nothing
There's nothing that faith can do
There is nothing
There is nothing
There's nothing faith that can do for me

Compositor: Anders Jivarp & Mikael Stanne

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