Dashboard Confessional

Am I Missing? (tradução)

Dashboard Confessional

A Mark - A Mission - A Brand - A Scar

Grande disatre em um mais novo coma

Valeu a pena no final das contas?

Se provando correto, você faria o maior barulho

Bem, eu prenderia minhas mãos atras de minha cabeça

Eu cobriria meu coração para atingir o chão

Eu me cercaria para suportar o impacto se eu fosse você


(é um grande espera)

Existe alguma coisa?

(para uma resposta)

para qual vale a pena procurar?

(alguma novidade?)

para qual a pena amar?

(alguma palavra?)

Existe alguma coisa?

(houve alguma trama?)

para qual a pena esperar?

(ou uma luta?)

para qual vale a pena viver?

(eu estou perdendo?)

Que vale a pena morrer?

(ou o corpo foi achado?)

Estou em casa (4x)

Am I Missing?

Sharp disaster in a fresh new coma

Was it worth it when it was over?

Proving yourself right, you'd make the biggest noise

Well, I'd lock my hands behind my head

I'd cover my heart and hit the deck

I'd brace myself for the impact if I were you


(It's a long wait)

Is there anything?

(For an answer)

Worth looking for?

(Is there any news?)

Worth loving for?

(Is there any word?)

Worth lie for?

(Was there trama?)

Is there anything?

(Or a struggle?)

Worth waiting for?

(Am I missing?)

Worth living for?

(Or was the body found?)

Worth dying for?

I'm home (x4)

Sharp disaster in a fresh new coma

Was it worth it when it was over?

Proving yourself right, you'd make the biggest noise

Well, I'd lock my hands behind my head

I'd cover my heart and hit the deck

I'd brace myself for the impact if I were you

(Repeat Chorus)

I'm home (x5)

(Repeat Chorus)

Compositor: Christopper Ender Carraba

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