David Gilmour

So Far Away

David Gilmour

David Gilmour

What am I suspended here?
Should I kid myself that I have no fear?
I get no choice, I just have to wait
It may already be too late
I don't know what's going on
She is here, but I am gone, I am gone

My love is lying here
She's far away though she looks so near
''Time will tell, '' she says to me
When a warm coat is all I need
Her peace of mind, her strength of will
It will come, she's sure it will
But how can I put my mind at rest?
I feel I'm coming off second best

And I'm cut with my own life
Is this a dream or is it real life?
Oh, sleep, come on me soon
I can't bear this lonely room

Look at that hair lying there
The room is dark, she shows no fear
I'm lying still, my eyes are wide
My heart is pumping, I'm still alive
I'm still awake against my will
What will it ever take to still
this burning in me?

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