Página inicial > D > DIIV > Taker



You watched my lips make
The promise I betrayed
The years I lived in vain
Chasing the pain with pain

Stand down
There's oil in my name
My tongue flickers like a wilting flame
Lay it all out
The path of wreckage that I cut
All in want of what?

Who were you to believe?
Your lying eyes or me?
I won't let them tie to you
The shit I put you through

Stand down
Stand down
Stand down
Stand down

Stand down
There's oil in my name
My tongue flickers like a wilting flame
Lay it all out
The path of wreckage that I cut
All in want of what?

Stand down
Stand down
Stand down
Stand down

Compositores: Andrew Bailey, Benjamin D Newman, Colin Edward Caulfield, Zachary Cole Smith

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