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Into Black


Rise Up

Tomorrow may never come
An everyday possible prophecy
If I’m hated or if I’m adored
I will not question You here with me

This solemn truth I will depend on
That You could never even think of failing

When all others start to fade away (Into Black)
I won’t worry, I know You are with me
When the sky is falling down on me (And turns me back)
I won’t worry, I know You are with me

I have nothing inside this world
But everything that I need’s in You
If for better or if for worse
Always and forever I am Yours

You can’t hold me back now
When it’s all coming down
I know I’ll be brought out
This can’t hold me back much longer

Compositores: Travis John Wyrick, Kevin Duane Young, Bradley Micheal Noah, Joey Seth Fife, Timothy Dwayne Barrett
ECAD: Obra #32030614

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