Drake Bell
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I Won't Stand In Your Way

Drake Bell

Ready Steady Go!

I, I got a low, down dirty feeling
That I've been cheated on, and lied to
If it's so then it's wrong, we've hung on for so long
Why don't we have that magic anymore

I got a strange, sneaking suspicion
That it's been going on, for some time now
Something shines in your eyes, something hurts deep inside
I won't stand in your way anymore

You say that I'm just a little boy
Who's easily led astray
Well, aren't you that same little girl
Who always gets her way?

I got a strange, sneaking suspicion
That it's been going on, for some time now
Something shines in your eyes, something hurts deep inside
I won't stand in your way anymore

You say that I'm just a little boy
Who's easily led astray
Well, aren't you that same little girl
Who always gets her way?

I got a low, down dirty feeling
That I've been cheated on, and lied to
If it's so then it's wrong, we've hung on for so long
I won't stand in your way
I won't stand in your way
I won't stand in your way anymore

Compositor: Brian Setzer - Stray Cats cover

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