"Religion is a falsehood Know the ways of old Polizia forever withhold! The lurker is in all Seek not to be for all Seek the ways of old"
"Delve Sip of the eternal fear
Control Shake, for they are near
The void will not sicken you Only they will sicken you Rot in the degenerates of your brain The mass thought will not survive It kills the pure thought It is religion in disguise
Fear the regime, fear the death throes"
Empire Empire! Perish for the destruction
Empire Empire! Martyr for the control
"I am disgust, and I am blasphemy For I am the vile one, and I am decrepitude But harken to me for the days of ill control are nigh Apocalypse of heavens Apocalypse of worlds They do not fear death, but they shall know it It is upon them Rise with me, for the bleak and the sorrowful shall now prevail. Hail destroy! Hail destroy! Hail destroy!"
"And the march of shadows begins The deviled one leads And the broken of the one brain mass together No longer the harnessed thoughts No longer the god of heaven
A march to the tides of space"
The polizia await And no more shall the unaltered brain give the living dead unto their troops No more shall the one brain give thoughts of hope in the netherworlds
Only now do the masses go forth as singularity amidst fools and tyrant gods
And the rally of crying hell unleashes
Auriga crashing Auriga crying Auriga writhing Auriga deformed and diseased The ritual cleansing begins
Empire Empire! Perish for the destruction Empire Empire! Martyr for the control
No more the battle cry of the unaltered
The lurker, anti-martyr, the saint of unlight, leaveth the palace of gods...
Give the people what they want There is no morality in the death of a universe There is no hate in the calm of divinity And there were no thoughts in palace of gods
Now the universe is riven of its shanks The binds of god and the the tethers of holiness Grind the unshriven polizia to bits with the madness of black suns. Power of demons drive the unitech corp to its unnamed graven rest.
The march of shadows redeem The thoughts of the unithought machine