Esperanza Spalding

Formwela 5

Esperanza Spalding

While you're busy looking for a light
I light you, I light you, I'll try
While you're busy looking for your kind
I kind you, I kind you, I kind you

Though I'm just a little child
And a survivor like you
While we're busy looking for it
Are we the sign of light?

At the end of the tunnel
Of everything that doesn't serve us anymore
Or life while I begin to let me undo
Notice in the middle of it
We are the eye of light
In the storm of that good death
Of everything that doesn't serve us anymore
Or life might I as you begin to undo
Say that while you're looking for it
You are the sign that life loves you

I'm still a lonely child in my survival mode too but
Promise while I'm working at it
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
Long as you've been looking for it
You are the sign that life loves you too

Share us a little light as you begin to undo
God knows you've been aching for it
Still a lonely child in the survival mode too but
Promise while we're working at it
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you

Notice in the middle of it
You are the son of life

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