Everything Everything

Put Me Together

Everything Everything

A Fever Dream

Why do you look so old?
Was it something that I said?
Funny to think of me
Just as you're leaving

And there's somebody washing the car
And there's somebody watching the children
But they're nothing like you and me
They're nothing like you and me
They celebrate all of the same days
And you see them out doing the garden
But they're nothing like you and me
Nothing like you and me

Why does it always end
With a total goodbye?
Give me a replay
I can work harder

And there's somebody washing the car
And there's somebody watching the children
But they're nothing like you and me
They're nothing like you and me
They celebrate all of the same days
And you see them out doing the garden
But they're nothing like you and me
Nothing like you and me

And they turn and look out of the window
And they're staring right through me and I know
That they never lived there at all
They never were there at all
What do you mean you don't know me?
I've been sleeping
I've been sleeping

Is it the darkest night
Or is that dawn in your eyes?
Pull me apart and
Put me together

And there's somebody washing the car
And there's somebody watching the children
They're nothing like you and me
Nothing like you and me
They celebrate all of the same days
You see them out doing the garden
But they're nothing like you and me
Nothing like you and me
Nothing like you and me

Oh, I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it

I've been sleeping
I'm never leaving
I'm never leaving
I'm never leaving

Compositor: Jonathan Higgs; Alex Robertshaw

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