Five Finger Death Punch

All I Know

Five Finger Death Punch


I don't think that I'm crazy
Yeah, but how would I know?
When the voices remind me
That it's all just for show
Well, I thought I had answers
But the questions have changed
It's so hard to feel anything
When I've only known pain

You can cast me out and dig my hole
Spit on my grave, curse my soul
You can hold me down and not let go
But the devil you fear, is all I know

And the road that's less traveled
Well, it's all that I've known
Every time I look backwards
There's still so far to go
If I'm born to be broken
Cold bloodied and numb
Tell me, why am I running?
What am I running from?

You can cast me out and dig my hole
Spit on my grave, curse my soul
You can hold me down and not let go
But the devil you fear, is all I've ever
All I've ever, all I've ever known

As I sit here in silence
All alone in myself
Who the hell would believe me?
Better yet who'd I tell?
I can tell

You can cast me out and dig my hole
Spit on my grave, curse my soul
You can hold me down and not let go
But the devil you fear, is all I know

Compositor: Ivan Greening / Kevin Gregory Churko / Zoltan Bathory

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