Fontaines D.C.
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Horseness Is The Whatness

Fontaines D.C.


Understanding basics
You'll never let your guard down
And always leave a card out
But always
The word is not so friendly
It brings some fucking baggage
It's a word that's used for lying

And never
Never I would trust
It sticks around for some
While always stays for none

Will someone
Find out what the word is
That makes the world go 'round
'Cause I thought it was love
But some say
That it has to be choice
I read it in some book
Or an old packet of smokes

I guess I get the gist
There's not that much to miss
You choose or you exist

Compositor: Carlos Ramos o Connell / Conor Patrick Curley / Conor Patrick Deegan / Grian Alexander Chatten / Thomas Patrick Coll

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