Françoise Hardy

Only You Can do It

Françoise Hardy

Françoise Hardy Sings in English

You make me feel like I've never been kissed before
Only you can do it
You make me feel like I wanna be kissed for ever more
Only you can do it

I don't know why I feel this way
I only know I like the way you hold me in your arms
Only you can do it

Only you can do it
Only you can do it
Only you can do what you're doing to me

I walk around town with my head held up so high
Only you can do it
My feet are on the ground but I feel like I'm touching the sky
Only you can do it
I don't know why I feel this way
I only know I like the way you hold me in your arms
Only you can do it

Only you can do it
Only you can do it
Only you can do what you're doing to me

I don't know why I feel this way
I only know I like the way you hold me in your arms
Only you can do it

Only you can do it
Only you can do it
Only you can do what you're doing to me

Only you can do it
Only you can do it
Only you can do what you're doing to me

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