Franz Ferdinand
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Can't Stop Feeling

Franz Ferdinand

Tonight: Franz Ferdinand

My soul starts spinning again
I can't stop feeling
No, I won't stop feeling
And the fun's not fun anymore
I can't stop feeling
No, I won't stop feeling

And you leave me here on my own
Yeah you leave me here on the floor
You can't feel it
And you can't feel it
You can't feel it
And you can't feel anymore

Soul boy, down and alone
And his soul is broken again
But you can't stop moving
No you won't stop moving along

My soul starts spinning again
I can't stop feeling
No, I don't stop feeling
And we're not 'us' anymore
I can't stop feeling
No, I won't stop feeling

And you leave me dancing alone
Yeah you leave me to die on the floor
You can't feel it
No you can't feel it
You can't feel it
And you can't feel anymore

(Fonte: site oficial)

Compositores: Kapranos, McCarthy, Hardy, Thomson

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