Penetrate to prevent split ends Like michael jackson and his little friends Sports help me and load a lot of stuff (?) Like henry rollins on the real green puff
Stab me in the back Hats and rain and we're no longer Shouldn't you be getting ready for yr come-back Shouldn't you be getting ready to fall back
Choke choke Choke choke Break a leg Break a leg
I should know we're both in trouble Puttin' on a mask friend in rubble Shouldn't you be getting ready for a fall back Shouldn't you be getting ready for a call back
Choke choke Choke choke Break a leg Choke choke Break a neck
It's like sister she looks real torment I know for a fact she's just a doormat She slept with a director for the part Shouldn't you be getting ready to fuck - right
Sip a little sip Branch yr hip Cookie called queenie Fresh senate Superbowl hoar Sidewalk kiddie Elvis hitty Tuff torn titty Whitewater Supergreen cherry Super sexxy chewy Long legged limmo Pussycat Sour ass judie Double fisted morning And never pull me under