Goldie Boutilier
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This Is The Life

Goldie Boutilier

Boom, boom, boom, all I need is the bass
Louder, louder, louder, put your hands around my waist
Pumping, pumping, pumping, my heart's like an 808
Bumping, bumping, bumping, speakers jumping out this place

We're moving to the cloud
This music is so loud
I only wanna see the light
I wanna see the light
'Cause tonight, this is the life

Side to side, light the way, eye to eye, the sun tonight
Side to side, light the way, eye to eye, the sun tonight

Boom, boom, boom, all I need is the bass
Louder, louder, louder, put your hands around my waist
Pumping, pumping, pumping, my heart's like an 808
Bumping, bumping, bumping, speakers jumping out this place

It's time to make a move
'Cause we got nothing to lose

Compositores: Ricky Luna, Samantha Powell & Goldie Boutilier

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