Greg Kihn

Lucky (tradução)

Greg Kihn


Aw, aw, aw

Games, eu nunca usei para jogar

Porque toda vez que eu perderia

Ele só acaba assim

Eu quase perdi tudo

E então eu, eu tive sorte

Ooh, eu tive sorte

eu tive sorte

Ooh, eu tive sorte

No amor

As minhas fortunas nunca mudou

E eu sempre assumiu a culpa

E eu não tinha mais nada a ganhar

eu estava prestes a desistir

E então eu, eu tive sorte

Ooh, eu tive sorte

eu tive sorte

Ooh, eu tive sorte

eu tive sorte

Ooh, eu tive sorte

eu tive sorte

Aw, aw, aw

Aw, aw, aw

Lucky, de sorte

Lucky, de sorte

Lucky, de sorte

Lucky, de sorte

O tempo foi sempre a correr

E isso me pegou de surpresa

e encheu minha vida com a dúvida

Eu quase perdi tudo

E então eu, eu tive sorte

Ooh, eu tive sorte

eu tive sorte

Ooh, eu tive sorte

eu tive sorte

Ooh, eu tive sorte

eu tive sorte

Ooh, eu tive sorte

Yeah, yeah, oh, oh


Aw, aw, aw...

Games, I never used to play

Cause everytime I'd lose

It just turns out that way

I almost lost it all

And then I, I got lucky

Ooh, I got lucky

I got lucky

Ooh, I got lucky

In love

My fortunes never changed

And I always took the blame

And I had nothing left to gain

I was just about to quit

And then I, I got lucky

Ooh, I got lucky

I got lucky

Ooh, I got lucky

I got lucky

Ooh, I got lucky

I got lucky

Aw, aw, aw

Aw, aw, aw

Lucky, lucky

Lucky, lucky

Lucky, lucky

Lucky, lucky

Time was always running out

And it took me by surprise

And it filled my life with doubt

I almost lost it all

And then I, I got lucky

Ooh, I got lucky

I got lucky

Ooh, I got lucky

I got lucky

Ooh, I got lucky

I got lucky

Ooh, I got lucky

Yeah, yeah, oh, oh

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