O dyro i mi Ragluniaeth Ysgafn Rhagluniaeth ysgafn Rhagluniaeth ysgafn Mor ysgafn a'r awel fwyn
A phan ddaw'r amser i gael fy marnu O! Cym i ystyriaeth fy nghyfraniad i'r achosion da Ac er yr holl deithio, Y llwgr-wobrwyo Y cyffuriau caled, Y merched o bedwar ban Dw i wedi hen flino, Ar fy mhwdr areithio Yr holl ddanteithio, Fy mrad o iaith y nef Y rhegi cyhoeddus, Y lluniau anweddus Fy nghabledd o flaen y groes Yr hunan-dosturi, Y cwrw a'r miri Fy ofer-ymffrostio, Tra'n rhostio yn y gwledydd poeth
A phan ddaw'r cyfweliad, Erfynaf am fynediad Drwy lidiart y nefoedd I'r cyfoeth ar yr ochr draw A chym i ystyriaeth, Er gwaethaf fy mhechodau Fy holl rinweddau, Sy'n rhifo ar un llaw Ond beth bynnag dy farn, Erfynaf am
Ragluniaeth ysgafn, Rhagluniaeth ysgafn Rhagluniaeth ysgafn Mor ysgafn a phluen dryw
Oh give me light destiny Light destiny, light destiny As light as the gentle breeze
And when the time comes, for my judgement Oh! Please consider my contribution to good causes Despite all the travelling, all the bribing The hard drugs, girls from all over the world I'm so tired of my rotten speeches All the delicacies, my betrayal of the language of heaven The public swearing, the indecent pictures My blasphemy in front of the cross The self-pity, the beer and festivity All the bragging, while roasting in warmer climes
And when the interview comes, I plead for entry Through the gates of heaven to the riches beyond Take into consideration, despite my sins All my attributes, which can be counted on one hand But despite your opinion, I plead for
Light destiny Light destiny, light destiny As light as a wren's feather