In Flames


In Flames

The Jester Race/Black Ash Inheritance

Geology is digging through my brain
The blanket engulfing the world
to throw it up once again
to a guild of lifted daggers

Neo-wolf, but older again
than the Lupus itself
linked its fur to the gyroscope of time
a collection of failures

A diabolical sequence of stabs
written in cunning stones
from the fossilised den of thieves
our lives die

Neo-wolf, but older again
than the Lupus itself
linked its fur to the gyroscope of time
a collection of failures

I see the nursing all-mother
spitting out a trail of termites
in the mouth of her first-born hope
breasts ripe with smog-filled rebellion

Apathy dressed in violence
white insectoid legs
curse her lips and the mouth
receptive only to pain

Neo-wolf, but older again
than the Lupus itself
linked its fur to the gyroscope of time
a collection of failures

Compositores: Jesper Claes Hakan Stromblad, Anders Par Friden (In Flames), Bjorn Ingvar Gelotte (In Flames)
ECAD: Obra #2022108 Fonograma #12809463

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