Protoplasmatic miasma Trembling with fury In manifestation of life Parasitical proteine affix That’s what I cultivate
Excellent killer, a superb parent, A perfect conqueror of my new world The greatest lover, the best carnivore Servant to make this world abhorrent.
Annelid cult… to infest the world Annelid cult… my mirror of gore
Annelid DNA Cuts through the human tissue Like blood through glass fissures Life of my unnatural pets flows Through your powerless torsos As your valueless lives to live you try Your vitality will fade, my own will last You are the germs of my new race Of my Annelid cult.
Excellent killer, a superb parent, A perfect conqueror of my new world The greatest lover, the best carnivore Servant to make this world abhorrent.
Annelid cult… to infest the world Annelid cult… my mirror of gore Annelid cult… to create more Annelid cult… my genetic war