James Blake
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My Willing Heart

James Blake

The Colour in Anything

The first time your name was used
It was beauty and I knew
Sat in a violet room with some people I saw through
Gathered 'round the television's fire
Watching for the people I admired
Outside my world, we're frozen in the mouth
I couldn't let them out

When I see my willing heart
How will I know?
How will I walk slow?
How will I know?
How will I walk slow?

It's a strange spell that we lust for
Every now and then, every now and then
Every now and then, every now and then

When I see my willing heart
How will I know?
How will I walk slow?

It's a strange spell that we watch for
And one I swear I never saw
Every now and then, every now and then
Every now and then
You're still on my screen
Every now and then
You're still on my screen
Every now and then
There's a glare from the sun and [?]
Every now and then

When I see my willing heart
How will I know?
How will I walk slow?
How will I know?
How will I walk slow?

It's a strange spell that we watch for
Every now and then
You're still on my screen
Every now and then
They must have heard my scream
Every now and then
There's a glare from the sun and [?]
Every now and then

When I see my willing heart
How will I know?
How will I walk slow?

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