Jane's Addiction
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Broken People

Jane's Addiction

The Great Escape Artist

Welcome to the world
Welcome to the aching world
A woeful world
Of broken people

She's really a good girl
From a good family - Yeaj
They say it's old money
In the perfect position
To reach out and heal him

They would drink her wine
Whenever she was gone - Yeah
Home sex videos
Her man was plain wrong
That girl is plain evil

Welcome to the world
Welcome to the aching world
A woeful world
Of broken people

Your sister she's classy
You you're defying your daddy
Yet somehow you knew
That day would come
There'd be a reprisal

Welcome to the world
To the aching world
A woeful world
Of broken people
Welcome to the world
Welcome to this shipwrecked wprld
A woeful world
Of broken people

Help them out?
No, you can't help them out
Not even you
They'll break you in two
They'll break you in two

Compositor: Perry Farrell & Duff Mckagan

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