


it's a little late for breakfast, but for you two
i'll see what i can do, coffee coming right up
and two shots of the good stuff too, aren't you
tired of being tired all the time, girl your eyes
are awfully red, as for you boy, ain't hard to tell
in love with it all, never want it to end
ma'am, have mercy, i'm
sweating through my shirt
any more, my body is gonna
burn up in front of everyone
sorry baby, we call it
like we see it, in Chicago

don't got the words, don't matter
sometimes silence says it all, but
if you ask me, pathetic comes to mind
fate and alcohol, and beg your pardon but
fuck y'all fight it for, got the wind at your back
baby, and it's blowing somewhere warm
goddamn, ma'am, i'm
sweating through my shirt
any more, my body is gonna
burn up in front of everyone
sorry baby, we call it
like we see it, in Chicago

thing about love, i know it when i see it
so spare me the bullshit, it's plain to see
you can sit there, deny it all night, baby
but this just friends act, ain't fooling me
and i'm so sorry, baby, but we
call it like we see it, in Chicago

Compositor: Brian King & David Prowse

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