Jelly Roll

Over You

Jelly Roll

Ballads Of The Broken

It's 3am and I just popped another Percocet
I washed it down with Crowne
because the first one still ain't working yet
She don't hear my cry
Her drowning eyes won't let her see
I feel like I could die
The pain I cause may have cut too deep
But you never know
That's just the way it goes

I can promise you this won't be the last time
I find comfort in a bottle and somebody new
We can chop it up, but just leave me the last line
I'm getting fucked up ‘cause I've been fucked up over you
Over you
I'm getting fucked up ‘cause I've been fucked up over you

I must be out of my mind to think
that you could ever forgive me
All of these scars I left on your heart
will always be part of our memories
Secrets inside me that nobody knows
I always been told I'm emotionless and cold
But you never know
That's just the way it goes

I can promise you this won't be the last time
I find comfort in a bottle and somebody new
We can chop it up, but just leave me the last line
I'm getting fucked up ‘cause I've been fucked up over you
Over you
I'm getting fucked up ‘cause I've been fucked up over you

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