Reviews, tv, radio, books and various forms to access all Information that amplify your knowledge Open your mind about the world Be more smart! Get attention! Don't let cover these frauds Then you're resistance!
People, poor, this whole war, oppression, expression Religion, conscience, nature, violence You got power on these matters You're the pen write this history You must think something Then you're resistance!
So, what do you think about these questions? We must reflect! How the society can interfere? Ethics! Can you to be judged anyway? Don't stay down! In the end, what your attitude? What to do? Move it and break all now!
Enterprise, production, sale all great marks Population, politics, nature, a consequence Manipulation of information Predatory devastation There are much depraved But you're resistance!
So, what do you think about these questions? We must reflect! How the society can interfere? Ethics! Can you to be judged anyway? Don't stay down! In the end, what your attitude? What to do? Move it and break all now!
When beggar suffers, they are smiling Winning your money, breaking you and fucking all
People, poor, this whole war, oppression, expression Religion, conscience, nature, violence You got power on these matters You're the pen write this history You must think something Then you're a freeman!
So, what do you think about these questions? We must reflect! How the society can interfere? Ethics! Can you to be judged anyway? Don't stay down! In the end, what your attitude? What to do? Move it and break all now!