Kate Bollinger
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A word becomes a sound

Kate Bollinger

Again, again
I'm frightened by the thought of you
Again, again
But then you go away and by that i'm frightened too
Again, again
A word only a sound if you misuse it
Again, again
And i'll be made a clown if i abuse it

Get so blue when i'm next to you
Oh what it is i've done that i don't understand?
With the guessin', i'm through
I've been wrong before, i don't mind
I don't think about it so much anymore

I do, i do, i do
I don't, i don't, i don't

A word only a sound if you let it
Things become only their name so instead it
Takes it's new life
You never meant to give it wings that way
Watch it take flight and then land in another day

Get so blue when i'm next to you
Oh, what it is i've done that i don't understand?
With the guessin', i'm through
I've been wrong before, i don't mind
I don't think about it so much anymore

I do, i do, i do
I don't, i don't, i don't

Compositor: John Trainum. Kate Bollinger

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