Kate Bollinger
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Feel Like Doing Nothing

Kate Bollinger

Always try to rearrange the pleasure
so it outweighs the pain
It doesn't work all the time, doesn't work all the time
When daylight comes I call my friend
She won't pick up I call her back again
I wanna spend all my time

And I feel like doing nothing
I feel like doing nothing again
I feel like doing nothing

Late yesterday I'm home with all my bags
Take a seat on the couch can't get up again
I wanna sit for a while
I wanna sit for a while
Then she comes home sits next to me
Got a reason, now too that I can start to believe
Why I can waste all my time

And I feel like doing nothing
I feel like doing nothing again
I feel like doing nothing

Compositor: John Trainum. Kate Bollinger

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