Página inicial > Heavy Metal > K > Kittie > Everything That Could Have Been

Everything That Could Have Been


Funeral For Yesterday

There is an art, to falling apart
Just follow steps 1 through 10 and you're done
When you don't know yourself, anymore

It's time to get out of here
Just take my hand there is nothing to fear
Another day is wasted again

verything that could have been
A burden I still bear

Even though you're gone
I'm still holding onto everything that could have been

Mistakes, I've made a few
Look at the mess that I've made and you'll see
That things don't always go as planned

Mistrust, the source of this pain
You say you're angry, there's no one to blame but you and the choices you've made

verything that could have been
A burden I still bear

Even though you're gone
I'm still holding onto everything that could have been

I wouder what could have been
Is this the end?

I wouder what could have been

Even though you're gone
I'm still holding onto everything that could have been

Compositor: ~ Kittie ~

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