Underneath all the thundering there's magic And if there's a better way to live, I've gotta have it Because I think all day, but when I drink I'm okay It gets further away, every time I try and grab it Underneath all the chattering there's heaven I got a little peak one day, made me feel like I was 7 I know it exists, but I can't stop getting pissed One more thing I'll be adding to the list
Faoi dheireadh tá deireadh tagtha le mo rut Mar bhí lá maith agamsa inniu buíochas le foc So I stroll I dtreo an pholl sa bhalla 4 digit code, what do you know its Mo Chara And I'm gonna be spending my dole tonight Two pints at a time strolling about like Dolemite But home for a shite ar dtús, thit sé amach one push Mar nach raibh bac ar bith ag bailiú strap inniu seo Móglaí Bap (What's happening) And then we both jump down and do a class handstand Like a man's man can Fág slán leis an dúshlán a bhí againn an mhí seo Mar go dtí seo, I'm on the upside of the sea-saw
Underneath all the thundering there's magic And if there's a better way to live, I've gotta have it Because I think all day, but when I drink I'm okay It gets further away, every time I try and grab it Underneath all the chattering there's heaven I got a little peak one day, made me feel like I was 7 I know it exists, but I can't stop getting pissed One more thing I'll be adding to the list
Go fóill ag mothú cosúil le cac Ach ní ligim orm féin cause an ndéanann sé stop? Obviously not, what? Is mise moglai bap Cuirim mo raybans orm sula bhfágaim an teach Nó ba chuma liom, cause tá an t-am ag dul anonn Is tá an saol seo I bhfad róghairid bheith ag cur amú an oiread ama ann Go síoraí I do cheann ag iarraidh éalú achan soicind Irish exit out the back without text Mar caithfidh tú tú féin a chur chun tosaigh I bhfad rófhurast bheith chomh crua ort féin I gcónaí Mar ní haon áit bheith I'do chónaí déan cibé rud dtig leat a stócaigh Is faigh fíor-bhlas sula n-imíonn an beocht di
Underneath all the thundering there's magic And if there's a better way to live, I've gotta have it Because I think all day, but when I drink I'm okay It gets further away, every time I try and grab it Underneath all the chattering there's heaven I got a little peak one day, made me feel like I was 7 I know it exists, but I can't stop getting pissed One more thing I'll be adding to the list
Éirí as do chean, caith do chloigeann in airde ar bharr do dtonn Tuigim go bhfuil an saol trom agus tionchair ann But we've got one chance then it's done, so bí thú féin Speak your pain and receive the love Don't let the cunts get ya, down and surround yourself with ones that miss ya Tóg soicind, tóg anáil, ná gabh níos gaiste Is creid go daingean go bhfuil an saol seo duitse
Underneath all the thundering there's magic And if there's a better way to live, I've gotta have it Because I think all day, but when I drink I'm okay It gets further away, every time I try and grab it Underneath all the chattering there's heaven I got a little peak one day, made me feel like I was 7 I know it exists, but I can't stop getting pissed One more thing I'll be adding to the list